Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dear Readers...

I would like to thank you all for sticking with me over the past year. It has been really hard to find time in busy schedule to blog. I really love to blog and I love the response I get from it. I really want you guys to know that I truly am trying to get posts up. I know I promised that I would be posting a lot more and I really am trying to keep that promise for you guys. Fashion is truly something I am very passionate about and love. This blog is really like my baby. I really care about this blog succeeding and I want you all to know that. I am going to try and gain a broader range of viewers. I feel like most of my readers are just my friends and family. I would really like to gain more readers over the nest few months. I really hope I am successful in doing so. Also I would really like to get to know some of my readers a little bit better. So if I don't know you I would love for you to write me a quick email either just saying hi or what you like and dislike about my blog... Also I would like to know if you guys would like me to do monthly favorites. They would include my favorite clothing pieces from that month and also some of my favorite beauty products I've been loving they could also include some random thing I have been loving for that month. So that's it for my thursday night rant sesh. Now off to do homework.
Thank You so much for reading
XoXo Annie

Sunday, January 12, 2014

2013 The Year Of...

This year was honestly a pretty great year for me. In 2013 I started my blog and truly found my love for fashion. (and shopping) 2013 had some awesome fashion trends that I truly loved. There were also some that weren't my favorite.

In this post I'm going to show you a few things that really defined the year 2013 for me.

1. The color of the year this year was Emerald and I was really in love. I have several emerald pieces in my closet that I was just crushing over the past year. Emerald is a trend I will be taking with me into 2014

Here are a few emerald pieces.

2. This year was really the year of my converse high tops. They really were a statement piece in my closet from the beginning of the year until the end of the year.

A few of the high top colors i'm loving. The most worn color for me was my basic white.

3. This year was full of black leather for my wardrobe. I really think black leather is such a statement piece that is very versatile.

This year black leather was worn in so many pieces.

4. This year I found myself curling my hair a lot. After many tries I found what way works for the loose wave like curls I love. These style of curls became very popular through the year I feel.

5. This year I became in love with the Naked palettes all together by Urban Decay but my favorite most used was definitely the original Naked palette.
6. Bold eyebrows was something I loved in 2013. Eyebrows frame your face and it is very important to fill them in and make sure they are shaped correctly. In 2013 I really loved doing my eyebrows and I am carrying my bold eyebrows into 2014 with me.

7. In 2013 I fell in love with Pinterest again. I was always pinning things I loved and things that inspired me. If you are not following me on Pinterest make sure you go and follow me. 

This is my Pinterest, I would say I have quite a few pins.

8. Utility Jacket. The utility jacket was definitely a huge trend. I know it was more towards the end of the year but I couldn't not include it this post.

I really love all three of these styles.

I know that was a really random number to stop on. 

I hope you enjoyed this post.

XoXo Annie

Leaf of absence.

I just want to start off this post saying that I am back.  As you know I have taken a break from my blog for a little while for various reasons, but I want to let you guys know that I am back. Blogging is truly something I love to do and something that is fun for me. It has been hard to find time mostly to take pictures. But now I know a definite time I can take the pictures for my posts. I will now be doing a blog post everyday. I will be posting around 8:30-9:00 pm every night.

I am super excited to get back into the swing of things and become more organized. I hope you guys liked this little rambling post explaining whats been going on with Little Miss Darling. Also I want you guys to know that I am working on creating a new design for Little Miss Darling. 

XoXo Annie