Sunday, February 1, 2015

Beating the Monday Blues|| Treat your Self

We all have those (Mon)days (weeks) where we are feeling uninspired and just bored. There are so many things that we can do to help beat these blues.
1. Take a hot LONG bath
This seems so simple but it really can make you feel so much better. This is really my go-to when I am feeling a little down. You can light some candles, grab your favorite bath products (I love lush Bath Bombs, and Bubble Bars) grab an ice water, and really just soak and spend a little bit of 'me time'

2. Paint your nails
Having painted nails is an INSTANT confidence boost for me. I know some people hate painting there nails but I totally love it and it is really so fun for me. When you're feeling down go for a bright pink or red color to instantly feel better.

3. Journal
Writing in a journal always makes me feel better when I am done. I literally just get all feelings and stress out on the pages and I feel so amazing after. I also love using my journal to doodle, my doodles are always really whimsical so doodling always puts me in a good mood. Writing in a journal is something that I feel like we all need to do at least every once in a while.

4. Call/Talk to your best friend
When I am just not feeling all that great my best friends are always there for me. After having a good conversation (usually includes a few giggles and tears) with my best friend, or mom (moms are always there to talk and you can always trust them) I feel 10x better. My best friend is always there to talk and make me feel better!!

5. Read
I used to not really like reading but as I've gotten older I have grown to love it! When I find a book I like I usually cannot put it down until I finish it. When I am feeling uninspired reading really helps me. Reading doesn't necessarily have to be a book, it could be your favorite blogs, or a magazine. Reading can really help turn my day in the right direction.
xoxox Annie Merrill

Liebster Award|| Q&A

Recently I was nominated by my good blogger friend Whytli for a blogger award called the Liebster award. I had never heard of this reward until seeing it on her blog. I did a little research to find out more about the reward and came to the conclusion that that it is not necessarily a reward but more of a Q&A tag that has gone around between a lot of bloggers. I was so excited when I figured this out because I think it is so great for you guys to know a little bit more about me.

Q:|| How did you decide on the name for your blog?
A:|| I obviously wanted it to have to do with fashion because I am total lover of fashion and I wanted the main focus of my blog to be on fashion. I decided on 'My Fashion Folders' because I wanted this blog to be a place where I can keep all my fashion inspiration and outfits.

Q:|| What inspired you to start your blog?
A:|| I have always loved fashion since I was young and I have also loved writing. I was really inspired by other bloggers, which had a big influence on me when I started my blog. I am also very tech savvy (I've had a personal blog since age 7 and edited my own HTML) which made starting my blog a smooth process. I also love inspiring people through my clothing and promoting trendy modesty which is a big part of my blog.

Q:|| Where is your favorite place to shop?
A:|| It's no surprise that I love shopping and could literally spend hours in stores. My favorite place to shop would probably be Madewell, I love the minimalist look of their clothing but it also has such a timeless vibe. I also really love Nordstrom because they have so many different brands with in their store which leaves you so much diversity.

Q:|| If you could travel any where in the world where would it be, why?
A:|| I've always wanted to visit Paris and other cities in Europe since I was a young child. (I dream of the Eiffel Tower) I want to go to Paris for all the fashion, obviously, and the amazing food and pastries. I always really want to go to a 3rd world country. I have heard stories from people who have been to a 3rd world country and I have only heard about how amazing it is there. I would want to go on a humanitarian trip. I have want to go on a humanitarian trip for so long, I am hoping to go on one before High School is over. I know an experience like this would completely humble me and help to appreciate the basic things that I have.

Q:|| What is one piece of advice you would give to new bloggers?
A:|| Speaking to a new blogger I would tell them to remember to stay true to themselves and write about what they love and NEVER try to be like someone else. I would also tell them to stay consistent this is really what can make or break a blogger, this is also one of the hardest parts of blogging.

Q:|| Where do you see your blog going in the next year?
A:|| Hopefully no where but up! The last year has been so great for me as a blogger from being invited to blogger events and store openings to getting collaboration offers. Stay tuned for some exciting things happening.

I hope you all really liked this post and liked learning a little bit more about me. Happy FEBRUARY AKA Love Month
xoxo Annie